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Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green Party, meets with skaters at Ryde Arena

Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green party met with young skaters and hockey players outside the closed Ryde Arena. When she realised that some of the skaters she was speaking to this morning had already been and returned from practice at Gosport, having to wake up at 3am to do so, she was horrified and visibly moved. She expressed her support for our skaters in very strong terms saying she would do whatever she could to help us and later sent us the following quote:

“The disgraceful actions of this investment company are inflicting misery on the Isle of Wight. Not only have 30 jobs been lost, but the thousands of islanders who use the ice rink have been locked out of a facility that’s crucial to their well-being. This company only cares about making profit – and seemingly isn’t concerned by the impacts of its decision. It’s outrageous that children are now having to wake up in the early hours to travel to mainland venues to train. AEW must reverse their disastrous decision and immediately commit to reopening the ice rink.”

Caroline's visit to the rink follows that of her co-leader, Jonathan Bartleby MP who visited with members of the Ryde Arena Community Action Group outside Ryde Arena last November.

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