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Island Synchronized Skaters Brilliant Result in International Competition!

Last weekend the 4 Isle of Wight Synchronized Skating teams competed against teams from around the world in the Trophy d'Ecosse despite the closure of Ryde Arena. With much less on-ice practice than usual, and what they had at very late or very early hours on the mainland, the teams' results were amazing and show what incredible dedication and skating talent we have on our little Island!

The Wight Jewels got their season's best scores in an international competition, despite having to enter the competition without their usual 4 alternates. Nikita who you will remember from her earlier post (Skating Changed my Life) learned the routines in just 2 days to skate with them, but they were still one player down from the choreographed routine due to a last minute illness, requiring last minute changes in choreography. Their results are all the more impressive as they were competing with teams not only from all over the UK but from as far away the USA and Canada. (Burlington Ontario, where the Canadian team hails from has at least 3 indoor and 2 outdoor ice rinks within about ten miles of each other!)

The Wight Crystals, skating in the Advanced Novice B event, took bronze!

The Wight Sparkles took the bronze in the juvenile competition.

The Wight Sequins, skating in only their second ever competition, came 5th out of 9 and won the most entertaining program of the day, an award they also won in their very first competition.

Take a moment now, to imagine what these teams could do if they actually had a local rink to practice on!

We are all hoping and praying that we have the chance to find out.

Congratulations to our amazing Isle of Wight teams!

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